Thursday, February 17, 2011

Training and Contests

WOW! Isn't this just the most exciting time of year?  With all the contests going on and the training too, Toastmasters are meeting all over the place.  And what could be better to chase away those February blahs?

I trust you are checking out the website under the Officer Training and Contest tabs to find out just what IS going on.  As the organizers for these events are putting things in order so are the promoters of these events.  Find out what is happening in your corner of the world.  All the what, when, who, where, how and why are listed.  There really is no excuse for missing out on anything.

And miss out you will if you don't attend these amazing events.  You will gain a depth and breadth of knowledge from training when experiences are shared.  You will gain an amazing perspective as speech contestants offer a wide variety of topics. Why, just last night I saw a speaker use a prop that I was totally blown away by.  I even asked her permission to "borrow" it for one of my future presentations...with credit of course.

So why not pack away those February blahs and head on over to your nearest training event and attend your club, area and division contests.  Follow the winners all the way to the Spring Conference.   You will be so glad you did. 

And I'll see you there.
