Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Honours Awarded to 2 of Our Area Governors

Shishir Lakhani is Divison A  Area 26 Governor.  He not only is a dedicated Toastmaster volunteering much of his time to perform area governor duties and mentor others, he is a very involved volunteer with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario.

In fact, Shishir has been named winner of their  2010 Award for Volunteer Excellence.  David Sculthorpe, CEO, said this, "Shishir possesses a rare combination of personal charisma, interpersonal savvy and business expertise, and he has applied his many gifts to advancing our Foundation's work with tremendous passion and energy. Shishir is truly a wonderful and accomplished individual and we are privileged to be working with him towards a future that is free of heart disease and stroke."

Congratulations Shishir. What an accomplishment indeed! 

Bill McCallum is Division S Area 73 Governor.  On June 14, 2011, in an unprecedented move, the Union of Taxation Employees will be honouring Bill in naming him for a second time as the recipient of their National Humanitarian Award in recognition of his compassionate efforts in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. Bill was also the first ever recipient of this award in recognition of his compassionate efforts in the 2005 Hurricane Katrina recovery mission in New Orleans.

Bill was recognized earlier this month by the London Council for Lifelong Learning for this work that he did in New Orleans and Haiti.

Bill has directed the $5,000.00 monetary gifts that accompany these tributes to be donated to International Children’s Awareness Canada, to assist in their commitment to relieving the suffering of children living in the poorest regions of the world, and providing indigenous groups with the resources to be self sustaining at the village level.

Congratulations Bill.  What a remarkable difference you make in the lives of others!

Kudos to our Toastmasters.  It goes to prove what I have been saying all along. We rub elbows with incredible people. 

Thank you for all you do to serve your fellow man/woman. 

We salute you!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Update on the Draw!!

Congratulations to all those clubs who caught fire and have been adding new members.  Great job! 

To date, I have received a total of 52 new members to our clubs.  The Toastmasters opportunity has been shared with new people and they, too, will now reap the benefits of learning and practicing communication and leadership skills.  Not only that but they will benefit from networking with other Toastmasters. 

As for the clubs, there is new life and enthusiasm being breathed into them.  More people always causes more excitement as new members learn to take on roles, share their Ice Breakers and provide new leadership. What a Win-Win for all! 

Educational Awards are coming in too.  To date, there are 21 educational awards entered.  Amazing, eh?Remember, every time an award gets submitted to TI, your club gets entered into the draw.  If you had planned to finish up a manual by the end of June, why not do it before the end of May and take advantage of the opportunity to win that data projector donated by Tech Data Canada Corporation?

We, at the District level, are so thrilled to see that you have taken up the challenge to energize your clubs. Well done!!!

To those newly forming clubs, I say this.  If you get the club chartered by May 31st of this year, your club will have one entry for every founding member.  Imagine if you were to win that projector!  What a way to begin a new club!!  You can do it!  There are exactly 4 weeks from today....YOU CAN DO IT!  I dare ya!!

Looking forward to seeing this challenge ramp up as May progresses. So ask yourself this: how many entries will your club have in this draw? Want more?  Well, you know what to do.  As Nike would say:
Just Do It!
