Wednesday, March 30, 2011

District Council Meeting

Soon it will be time to attend one of the most exciting events at the Spring Conference. Yes. It is indeed the Business Meeting: Saturday, April 9th beginning at 4:00 pm.  Come, learn what goes on in the district and take part by adding your voice to the electoral process as we elect the officers for the coming 2011 - 2012 year.

The information regarding the business meeting has been sent out to all those who are eligible to cast a vote; the District Officers, the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of clubs.  Please note that the information on the clubs is gathered from Toastmasters International so your information must be correct with them in order for you to receive your package.

Take care to read the instructions regarding the proxy.  A club is entitled to two votes.  These can be picked up at the Credentials Desk by either the President, Vice-President of education or any member of the club with the proxies signed over to them. 

On a further note, the package contained the report from the Nominations Committee as written in my last blog. Know that this does not contain the names of anyone who has decided to run from the floor as a candidate.  They must be nominated from the floor before the votes are cast.  They are not part of the nominations committee process and therefore cannot be listed on the report. I hope that helps to clarify some questions that may be floating out and about.

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to use the comment section below.

Otherwise, I'll be seeing you at the conference and more importantly, at the business meeting.


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