Monday, June 27, 2011

District Governor Message:

Well, the year is fast coming to an end.  It is exciting to see what will be accomplished this year within the divisions, areas and the clubs.  There has been much success!  And there is still more to come. Can you believe it!

I believe in miracles and that is what I am counting on to become a Distinguished District. I know WE CAN DO IT! but not without your help.  Send in those awards and member applications by midnight Thursday June 30th so they count towards District 86's success. 

Consider this: when you save submissions till next year, you are actually telling everyone that you don't have enough faith that you can do it again.  It undermines everyone's belief in the future success of your club.  You know you can do anything you set your mind to, so empty the vault and prepare to refill again and again.

I am planning to be really bold today and do a video message to send out to all members encouraging them to end strong and Be Bold and Courageous!  I will be asking what you can do to help us reach our goals. 
Join another club?  Bring a new member in?  Everyone single one is a great help and will be immensely appreciated.

Remember, there is still the WEEKEND GETAWAY to be won by either sponsoring or becoming a new member of a club.  Send those applications in.... YOU and your guest may be the ones to enjoy a weekend in Kincardine at the home of the District Governor. 

Everyone of the district team has put forth great efforts this year to give the very best they had to serve. It would indeed be most fitting that they left as their legacy that they served a Distinguished District. Please help me make that true for them!

Thank you.


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