Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So Sad...No Video today!

So, all those good intentions I had on doing a video to send you, didn't pan out.  Colour me blue!

First of all, it was very hard to give a sincere thank you to a camera.  I NEED to see happy smiling faces to speak to.  I must have done about 20 different recordings and I didn't like any of them. 

Then, I found that the audio on my recording just quit and I heard all this static which was not good at all. Sheesh!  What's with that?  Anyone had that issue before?

I did set up a District 86 Governor Chanel on You Tube.  Now I'm all set to upload with nothing to upload...yet!  Still going to see what I can do. ... I do have until midnight June 30th..that is midnight Pacific time, right?

So, don't think I just simply didn't do it.  I just simply didn't do it well.  I am open to anyone who wants to walk me through this strange video land.

Till then...I'll keep talking to my lifeless cold camera....keep smiling and I'll be thinking of you.


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