Friday, September 17, 2010

Congratulations Port Credit Toastmasters!

One of my favourite things about being the District Governor is receiving really exciting emails.  I received this one this morning from Area 43 Governor, Terry Kodybka.  Below is what she wrote:

2010 marks the 55th "birthday" for Port Credit Toastmasters Club (#1474).

On Monday, September 13th, 2010, the club held a special meeting to launch the 2010/11 Toastmaster's year and to celebrate its 55th birthday!!
Special guests included Myrna Barthe, Division C Governor, Mayor Hazel McCallion, some former club members and a few visitors.

Mayor Hazel McCallion remained for 20 minutes, she congratulated the club for its enduring success and for the contributions made to develop members' communication and leadership skills.  Before she left, Mayor Hazel graciously cut the cake.

The celebration was a promising start to a great Toastmaster year for Area 43, Division C.

from left to right
Myrna Barthe (Division C Governor), Cathy Hershell (VP Public Relations, PCTM), Sam Wang (Guest), Bob Yewchuk (VP Membership, PCTM), Terrence Ruller (SAA, PCTM), Mayor Hazel McCallion (Mayor of Mississauga), John Wang (President, PCTM), Terry Kodybka (Governor, Area 43), Mark Hayes (VP Education, PCTM), Fozy Mamji (Secretary, PCTM)
Isn't that exciting?  This is a real testimony to the life-changing effect Toastmasters has not just on an individual but also on a community.  How many lives have been impacted by this club? How many of its members, current and past, have seen significant changes in their lives due to the fact that they had stronger communication and leadership skills?  We may never know and that's okay.  It's enough to know that a club doesn't live on this long without having made a difference.  So Kudos to you Port Credit Toastmaters; this is for YOU!


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