Friday, September 24, 2010

The Newslettters are here! The Newsletters are here!

Have you checked your mailbox (the snail mail one) recently only to discover that you have been sent the District 86 newsletter?  Indeed, it has been sent and is awaiting your perusal.  In it you will find all sorts of information about coming events and even better, you will learn who has been awarded the much sought after "Of The Year" awards which will be presented at the fall conference. 

This will be the only printed newsletter we will publish.  The other issues will be uploaded onto the website for your reading pleasure.  The cost is becoming quite prohibitive for printing and mailing a copy but I strongly believe that amidst all the materials we have with Toastmasters International, it is good to have something that is published by our District.  It is relevant to what our guests may want to know about us as well as those seeking to start up a new club whether it be a community initiative or a corporate one.  Use it as a marketing tool.  Pass it around. Add your club's meeting and contact information and leave it where it will be seen by others.

Have you begun the District Challenge put forth by our LGET?  Is your club actively working on the CL manual for all club meeting roles?  Please share with us what your club is doing to ensure that members are getting the most from their CL manuals?  Avis Brodie, DTM wants to know, as do we all.

As for communication awards, be sure to share with your Area Governors what the club goals are for this year.  Who in your club will be Soaring to Excellence as they complete their awards?  Along with a congratulatory letter from the LGET, members will receive one of my limited edition theme pins.  If you are a collector, or just beginning to collect, don't miss out!!  Start working towards your goals today!

Club strength and club building are under the purview of our LGM.  Check the website often to see what contests and incentives Janice McDonald, DTM is offering.  Share the message of Toastmsters; let others know the power of changed lives through improved communication and leadership skills. 

So, take your copy of the Pulse of 86 and pass it around.  Go tell your world what Toastmasters is all about.  Let's not keep the ability of Toastmasters to empower people a secret.  Let's invite others to begin Soaring to Excellence with us.


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