Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kudos Everyone! Outstanding Conference!

From 2 More Sleeps to Kudos Everyone!  How fast time flies when we are having fun. It is hard to believe that the conference has come and gone.  I sure hope you had as much fun as I did.

It was an amazing conference.  Friday Fun Night was outstanding.  The costumes were great.... by comparison, mine was so lame but I had fun anyway.  Those who were in costume looked fantastic. It sure showed lots of spirit as well as lots of time and effort to create just the right look.  Thank you for doing that.  It gives such a spark to the event for all of us to enjoy not to mention enjoying them all over again as we watch the slide show during our meals.

I have heard wonderful things about the workshops. What did you hear?  Please offer comments so we can all learn from the experience.  Sadly to say, it is impossible to go to all of them so let's learn from each other.  The ones I attended were great.  Thank you presenters for being willing to step up and provide added educational value to our members. 

By the way, if you would like to be one of the presenters for the spring conference, it isn't too early to start the process. Head on over to the website and check it out.  Don't procrastinate as time will fly and suddenly the spring conference will be here.  And while you are at the website, why not register? There is a special price running from now to the end of November: $175. 

The contests were outstanding.  Both our contest chairs, Bill Brodie and Mike Proudlock did us proud.  The winner of the Humorous Speech contest was Gregory CN Smith of Toastmasters of Hanover. The winner of the Table Topics contest was Max Kalles of GROW ToastmastersCongratulations to you both.  Look for pictures on our website soon.  If I had any now I would post them. In fact, if someone sent me pictures I can edit this blog and insert them.....  Anyone out there got pics handy?

And of course, who can ever forget Jamey and Molly French. What a story!  What a message!  What a testimony to the value of Toastmasters!  If you missed it, then check out the Toastmaster magazine. I think it was in either January or February of this year. 

I am continually amazed at the people who work on conference committees.  It takes many people all working as a team to bring out the best we have to offer.  If you have a program, check out those who were instrumental in making the conference a huge success.  I won't list them all here for fear of missing someone. They did an outstanding job and it just couldn't be done without them.  (I kept sharing my program and now I'm without one...for the moment!)  Learn who they are and when you see them be sure to extend a big handshake to congratulate them on a job well done!

If you were to ask any of the committee members, they would tell you that there is something truly magical about working with such a team.  There is a common goal which creates a genuine bonding amongst them. If you have never experienced something like this, then you are truly missing out.  Why not step up and out and let people know you are ready to get involved?  Let it be known that you are interested.

So, here we are two days past the fall conference and in just a week and a half, we are beginning our meetings for the spring conference.  Can't wait to see what the team will have in store for you next!


PS - If you are reading this blog and getting anything out of it, please let me know.  I welcome your comments too. 


  1. Hi Merri,
    Just wanted to let you know that I faithfully read, and always enjoy, your blog. Frank and I were at the Conference and had a great time. I had JUST returned from Indonesia and was really jet lagged, but enjoyed the bits I could stay awake for. Keep up the great work!

  2. Good evening Gigigal...

    I am so glad you enjoyed the conference and had a great time. I knew I wasn't the only one! It was really inspiring in so many ways. I loved being able to meet up with some old friends, or rather friends I've known for some time, and of course, meet new ones. Toastmaster friends are the best, aren't they?

    Imagine you JUST getting back from Indonesia! How amazing was that? I am sure it would have been quite the culture shock to be immersed in Indonesian culture one moment and enjoy our elaborate event the next. I pause to ponder how thankful I am for all our blessings. And thankful for people such as yourself to go over there. I'd love to hear all about it and know what it was that took you so far away. I am certain there is lots of speech material in that trip. Put some pics in your pocket for me, will you? I look forward to your sharing.

    I am also glad that you read this blog. When I first started I was somewhat fearful of being a bit overwhelmed with responses. I wish! ;) However, I do appreciate all who read even if they don't write.

    Thank you for all you do, Gigigal. I look forward to seeing you again soon.

